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Wellness Industry Embraces Crypto and Blockchain Solutions

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Destigmatizing Mental Health with Blockchain and Crypto

Throughout the pandemic, mental health and self-care have become a top priority and are advocated for by most individuals in any situation or setting. Known as the ‘Silent Pandemic,’ the way mental health is addressed across the globe needs to be destigmatized and made more accessible. Blockchain tech has begun developing a remedy to incentivize healthy and positive social practices with a credible and equal platform. By leveraging both crypto and blockchain, there exists a convenient and accessible solution that could detrimentally help combat global mental health concerns.

Blockchain-enabled platforms don’t have geographical barriers, making treatment and guidance accessible to anyone. Users can access wellness-based media, seek help, or participate in wellness practices worldwide. Blockchain also provides a fixed record of a patient’s medical history that maintains accurate details and dates of any diagnosis, prior treatments, and much more. This can help patients across the globe to access treatment from an array of physicians without having to reexplain their medical history constantly. It will also improve physicians’ ability to diagnose and treat ailments by conveniently accessing the patients’ entire medical past through one source.

According to research, approximately 95% of employers have begun including mental health programs in employee wellness platforms. On average, $230 is spent on each employee’s well-being, including wellness resources and mindfulness incentives, amongst other benefits. However, the paperwork and processing necessary to access these programs deter employees from engaging with them. Blockchain provides a solution in the form of a seamless platform that can record activities, document progress, and facilitate easy transfers of incentives.

Several public firms are also incentivizing mindfulness practices by using blockchain-enabled games and applications which integrate wellness practices in their deliverables and reward user participation with crypto. The ease of use and convenience created by blockchain tech is a primary advantage to further the efficiency and effectiveness of wellness initiatives.

Is Commercializing the Mindfulness Industry Mindful?

To learn more about how the blockchain and crypto can improve the mindfulness industry, go to

“For a long time, the mindfulness industry has been limited to awareness campaigns, drives, and similar events. With negligible stimulus at stake, individuals have not leveraged this industry as their niche to create content or build businesses around.

However, the adoption of blockchain and crypto to incentivize mindfulness activities is a window of opportunity for content creators to monetize their deliverables. Yoga classes, relaxation music, how-to videos are all forms of content that shall dominate the space in the coming years. With NFTs growing rapidly, it is high time for the mindfulness industry to embrace commercialization and bring monetary value to their practices.

There will be an opposing narrative that condemns the involvement of money in a setup that encourages wellbeing and helping others, but the advantages of this move are multifold. From mitigating mental health issues to boosting the creator economy, commercialization has a bigger impact than on paper. By gamifying healthy practices using blockchain and crypto, the industry is touted to reach new highs. Bringing in commercialization is how mindfulness practices can provide long-lasting solutions to mental health concerns across the globe.

This is exactly why we are working on building a credible ecosystem for mindfulness as a whole. By incentivizing mindfulness practices, they are paving the way to realize the dream of global wellness in a sustainable manner.”

From Mindfulness Industry to Embrace Crypto and Blockchain’s Potential - NASDAQ

Photo Source: WIX

What are some wellness initiatives that you wish your company would introduce? Would you be more likely to use your benefits if you didn’t have to do paperwork every time?

Written by Yellow Brick Road

August 17th, 2021

© 2023 Yellow Brick Road Token Inc.

Canadian Corporation # 1364363-0


White Paper Coming Soon

“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."
from The Wizard of OZ

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